What is Workplace Mediation?
In essence it is a 'confidential safe space' constructed to allow the parties to work through the underlying issues that exist between them and find ways that will allow them to move forward in an agreed and positive manner. It is best done in a face-to-face environment but it can be equally successful through the use of virtual rooms.
The mediator will meet both parties separately and look to understand how they are feeling, why they are feeling the way they do and importantly how they would like to feel. When the mediator feels the time is right, he or she will bring the parties together so they can start to have a conversation with each other, looking to find an outcome that they are both able to support going forward.
The process is completely between those involved in the mediation and the only written document that will exist after the mediation has ended will (hopefully) be the Agreement that the parties have created between themselves and signed up to.
What are the benefits of Workplace Mediation?
Formal processes can result in entrenched positions that people find they cannot back away from. From an employee perspective they are stressful and often frustrating given that outcomes are often not transparent. The perspective for an employer is that they are time consuming and ultimately costly if the outcome is one party leaving the business, resulting in recruitment costs, loss of efficiency whilst training a new hire etc.
Workplace mediation is quick, cost effective, potentially less stressful for the parties involved and most importantly can result in outcomes that would never be possible through use of formal procedures.
If Mediation does not work then nothing has been lost. Employees can still pursue formal procedures both internally and externally. All that has occurred is that a pause has been put in place to try and create an environment where they can resolve their differences and move forward.
Feedback & Complaints Procedure
At DSP61 Consulting I constantly strive to deliver the best quality service possible to my clients. Throughout my working relationship with clients, I very much welcome ongoing feedback regarding what's going well and areas where I could improve. I see constructive criticism as a good thing – both for myself and for my current and prospective clients.To provide me with feedback talk to me directly or drop me an email at info@dsp61consulting.co.uk and I will respond to confirm receipt. Where feedback is positive, I will strive to ensure that I am maximising that area of service throughout my business. Where the feedback is suggesting areas for improvement I will contact you personally to explore ways to improve the service for you in the short term and for you and other clients in the medium term.
Should any client feel that the service they have received falls below the expected standards, and that I have failed to rectify the issue, I operate the following formal complaints procedure. Where timescales are defined within this procedure, they are maximum durations, and we will always strive to fulfil the respective step as soon as is possible.Procedure
1. Send email
You should send an email to info@dsp61consulting.co.uk
Entering "Formal Complaint" in the subject area.
In order to deal with your complaint as swiftly as possible your email should provide the following:-
- A brief description of the issue.
- A brief description of any steps taken to resolve the issue informally.
- If appropriate, any potential resolution to the issue that you can foresee.
2. Response
You will receive a response to acknowledge your complaint within no more than 5 working days. This will include a request for any further clarification of information required and a suggestion on how the complaint will be investigated and dealt with.
3. Start work on complaint
An appropriate investigation will be carried out, which will include, as necessary, discussions with yourself or other parties as required.
4. Resolution report
You will receive a conclusion to your complaint, including any suggested actions to resolve your complaint, by email within no more than 15 working days. Should the suggested resolution be accepted this will be enacted and no further steps in this procedure will be required.
5. Appeal the decision
Should my suggested resolution to your complaint not be acceptable, you can appeal this explaining your reasons why and suggesting any alternative resolution that you feel I should consider or any information that I may have missed.
I have reached an agreement with an associate which will provide for an independent investigation. The person undertaking the investigation has the power to arrive at a decision which I will abide by.
6. Decision after an appeal
We will consider your appeal and any further information provided and will respond within no more than 5 working days with our final conclusion. This conclusion may or may not be different to that reached in step 4 of this procedure. Should our suggested resolution be accepted at this stage it will be enacted and no further steps in this procedure will be required.
7. Conclusion report
You will receive a conclusion to your complaint, including any suggested actions to resolve your complaint, by email within no more than 15 working days.
Should our suggested resolution at step 7 be accepted this will be enacted. With the exception of complaints regarding formal mediation no further steps will be taken regarding the complaint.
8. Final Stage of Process - External Review
Where the suggested solution at step 7 is not considered acceptable you can escalate your complaint to the Civil Mediation Council (CMC).
The email address to use is complaints@civilmediation.org
The Civil Mediation Council Website page where information about making a complaint can be found by clicking this link https://civilmediation.org/complaints/
Please note that step 8 of this procedure is only applicable in any mediation where a formal mediation agreement has been signed by both yourself and I.
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